Whatever your favorite junk food is, you probably have a few funny snack snarfing rituals, and that's just fine. Junk food is supposed to be enjoyed so however you do it, I guess that's the right way, but here are some of my favorite ways to eat junk food.

The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

Is there more than one way to properly eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup? The answer is no, at least not in my world. The proper technique involved delicately nibbling away at the chocolate perimeter, savoring each morsel before finally sinking one's teeth into the heavenly combination of chocolate and peanut butter. Anything less is sacrilege.

Snickers Bar

Some chomp straight in. Others, however, approach it with a surgeon's precision, meticulously dissecting the nougat from the caramel, leaving a trail of delicious debris in their wake.


Who knew that these innocent red twists could double as makeshift straws? Oh yes, they would sip their sodas through the hollowed-out center, their faces a picture of pure ingenuity and sugary satisfaction.

The Oreo Cookie

Perhaps the king of junk foods, the Oreo cookie. I just cannot imagine eating the cookie as a whole. You must first twist the cookie apart, leaving a naked biscuit side and a cream covered side of which you scrape the frosting off with your front teeth and let it gloriously dissolve in your mouth. Then and only then do you eat the crunchy parts of the cookie. But don’t forget dunking them in milk first.


This one should be pretty straightforward right? I mean you lick the stick, dip in in the sugary powder and you're good to go. Lather, rinse, repeat. But beware the daring souls who transformed their candy sticks into lethal weapons of sugary delight, turning innocent treats into miniature swords of sweetness.

The Tootsie Pop

To the enthusiasts forever plagued by the eternal question: How many licks does it take to reach the center? Alas, the answer remained elusive, as countless children succumbed to temptation and took the bite of no return.

Kit Kat

These connoisseurs were known to meticulously snap each wafer section apart, relishing the satisfying crunch before devouring each piece in succession. Some even dared to nibble away at the chocolate coating first, leaving the wafer exposed like a delicious secret waiting to be discovered.

Gummie Bears

A strange bunch indeed. Their ritual involved a carefully separating the candies by color, arranging them in rainbow-hued arrays before savoring each morsel. And here’s the odd part, you start with the nubby left leg, move to the right one followed by left arm and then right arm. Then there’s the head and you finish with the gummy torso. Bizarre ritual indeed but delicious.

The Twix bar

The Twix aficionados knew that every bite held the promise of a sweet symphony of flavors. But my preferred method of eating this caramel-laden biscuit was to savor the silky chocolate coating before delving into the crunchy goodness beneath?

French fries and frosty milkshakes

A match made in junk food heaven. For those daring enough to venture into this realm of savory-meets-sweet indulgence, the ritual was a thing of beauty. A golden, crispy French fry, perfectly seasoned and begging for a dip. But not just any dip would do. No, for the adventurous souls who dared to tread this delicious path, there was only one option: the frosty milkshake. Plunge a salty fluffy French fry into the creamy, icy depths of a milkshake is a symphony of taste sensations unlike any other.

In the end, whether you nibbled, chomped, twisted, dipped, or licked, one thing remained certain: junk food was meant to be enjoyed in all its whimsical glory. So, embrace your snack snarfing rituals, dear friends, for in the land of junk food, there are no rules—only delicious adventures.