I really can’t put my finger on exactly why, but in America today there’s a strange fascination with the enigma that is Donald J. Trump. Love him or loathe him, he commands attention. He seems to draw some people toward him like moths to a flame. And yet, for all his bluster and bravado, I can’t help but wonder: what value does he truly bring to the table?

Look, I know some people will disagree with me and that’s okay. Everyone has a right to buy into whatever message they want and feel is true and substantive. I'm certainly no expert on the political circus, in fact I find myself perplexed by Trump’s appeal. It's as if we're all caught in a collective trance, unable to look away from the spectacle unfolding before us. His every utterance, tweet, and gesture is scrutinized and analyzed with a fervor bordering on obsession. And for what? To what end do we subject ourselves to this relentless barrage of sensationalism?

Some argue that Trump represents a voice for the disenfranchised, a champion of the forgotten masses railing against the political establishment. But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the veneer of populism lies a man driven not by principle, but by an insatiable thirst for power and adulation. His policies, if one could call them that, are as vacuous as his promises, serving only to further his own agenda at the expense of the common good.

Others contend that Trump is a master of the media, a shrewd manipulator who understands the art of the headline better than anyone. And indeed, there are times that he feels like a public relations genius. I think there is a certain genius to his madness, he has something that keeps us coming back for more. But at what cost? We live in a world that’s in constant pursuit of ratings and clicks and likes and all the rest of the things that have a limited amount of genuine value. That’s a perfect environment for someone like Trump. Because we live in a world where we’ve sacrificed our principles on the altar of entertainment?

I, for one, think Donald Trump is absolutely repugnant. Yet still I sometimes find myself seduced by the siren song of seeing what kind of thing he does or says next. Beneath his never-ending bluster lies a cavernous void, a hollow emptiness absent of any substance or meaning. He’s a carnival barker peddling snake oil to the gullible masses, a charlatan masquerading as a statesman. And as long as we continue to indulge in his spectacle, we only perpetuate the cycle of dysfunction that plagues our political discourse.

And before you say, well what about Joe Biden? Isn’t he frankly just too old and soft for the job of The President of The United States? I supposes that argument can be made. He’s been around for a long time, he’s what many would call a relic of an old and out-of-date style of politics. And as Robert Hur described Biden “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Sure, the argument can be made but I think it ultimately falls short of any substance.

There's no denying the wrinkles on his brow or the years etched into his countenance, but to do so would be to overlook the wisdom and resilience that comes with age. His steps may be slower and his voice softer, but there’s a fire burning within him, a passion for our country, and a true desire to be a steward of democracy as an institution and an ideal.

Where Trump seeks to divide and conquer, and be a “Dictator on day one”, Biden seeks to unite and heal. Trump values Trump and will do anything to enrich and protect his own self-interests above all else. It is a stark contrast, to be sure, one that speaks volumes about the character of each man.

Trump is an undisputed master of the media circus, Biden is a steady hand on the tiller. Trump thrives in the spotlight, Biden prefers the quiet dignity of service.

In the end, it up to you who you vote for. But when you go into that ballot box and cast your vote, think long and hard about what you’re doing and how your vote will influence not just the next four years in America, but its entire existence. Choose wisely.