Some of my earliest memories of childhood include failure. I had this experience every week on Saturday afternoon. I would turn on the TV to hear the voice of Jim MaKay announcing the opening credits to ABC’s Wide World of Sports. “Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition... This is ABC's Wide World of Sports!” You probably know the failure moment in that sequence. It was the ski jumper, Vinko Bogataj, who was featured in the agony of defeat. Sorry, I tried to embed the video but I FAILED. The link is below though.

Every week that poor bastard would come zipping down the hill only to go careening off the jump spinning and whirling like a rag doll in a tornado. And every week I would watch and hope that maybe today, just maybe this time he’d stay upright and fly gloriously through the air. It never happened though. The great  thing about Vinko’s story was that 20-years after he fell into history, he was honored with a standing ovation at the Wide World of Sports anniversary gala where athletes such as Sugar Ray Leonard, Pele, Muhammad Ali, and Martina Navratilova acknowledged him and asked for his autograph.

Now, I'm not saying I'm an expert in screwing up, but if there was an Olympic event for it, I think I'd at least have a bronze medal. Here are a few ways we can all try to fail better.

Lesson #1: The Art of Falling Gracefully

Ever tried to impress someone with a grand entrance, only to trip and then break into that sort of jog. You know the one, yeah, been there, done that. The key is not to avoid failure altogether but to learn the art of falling gracefully.

Lesson #2: Humility, Thy Name is Failure

Let's be real – we all have that one friend who thinks they're the all that until life smacks them with a reality check. I gotta say, I kind of enjoy the Schadenfreude of it. But the second I feel that I have to remember that failure is the universe's way of saying, "Hey, buddy, you're not the center of the universe." It's a humbling experience that keeps us grounded. Embrace it, laugh at your own hubris.

Lesson #3: Laughter, the Ultimate Antidote

When life hands you lemons, try to find some Vodka and make a nice cocktail. Laughter is the ultimate antidote to the bitter taste of failure. So, next time you find yourself stuck in a mess, crack a joke, do a little stand-up routine for yourself. The universe loves a good punchline, and it might just cut you some slack.

Lesson #4: The Power of Reinvention

Failure is like a chameleon – it comes in many shapes and sizes. But here's the secret sauce: each failure is an opportunity to reinvent yourself. Did your attempt at a gourmet meal turn into a culinary catastrophe? Congratulations, you're now a pioneer in avant-garde cuisine.

Lesson #5: Resilience – the Superpower You Never Knew You Had

In the superhero movie of life, resilience is your secret power. Failure teaches us to bounce back, stronger and more fabulous than ever. It's the Vinko Bogataj of our personal journeys. So climb that hill, throw on your metaphorical skis, cue Jim McKay and the the inspirational music, and fly.

Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a part of it. Embracing failure as a teacher rather than an adversary, after all, it's not about avoiding failure but about failing forward with style, humor, and a touch of pizzazz.